Closing Date:
Funding Type:
80000 USD-Unrestricted funds
Activity Country:
1 Years
Published Date:
Amazon Research Awards (ARA) is a program that provides funding to researchers working in the field of automated reasoning. The program aims to support research that has the potential to improve the security, availability, and robustness of cloud systems. Amazon is committed to helping customers achieve the highest levels of security, availability, and robustness in the cloud. Automated reasoning is the application of mathematical logic to answer questions and prove properties about critical computer systems.
The ARA program is focused on funding research in the following areas:
To be eligible for an ARA, researchers must meet the following requirements:
The ARA program provides funding for one year. The average award amount is $80,000 USD in unrestricted funds and $20,000 USD in AWS Promotional Credits. The budget should include a list of expected costs specified in USD, and should not include administrative overhead costs. The final award amount will be determined by the awards panel.
The ARA program is designed to support research that has the potential to make a significant impact on the field of automated reasoning. The program is also committed to increasing the diversity of the automated reasoning community at all levels.
The submission period for the Fall 2024 ARA program is September 25, 2024 - November 6, 2024 (11:59PM Pacific Time). Decision letters will be sent out February 2025.
To apply for an ARA, researchers must submit a proposal that meets the program's requirements. The proposal should answer the following questions:
ARA funding decisions will be based on potential impact to automated reasoning research, and the development of the automated reasoning scientific community. Amazon's commitment to developing the automated reasoning scientific community includes increasing the number of university researchers engaged in automated reasoning research. We are also committed to increasing the diversity of the automated reasoning community at all levels.
Award recipients should acknowledge the support from ARA. Award recipients will inform ARA of publications, presentations, code and data releases, blogs/social media posts, and other speaking engagements referencing the results of the supported research or the Award. Award recipients are expected to provide updates and feedback to ARA via surveys or reports on the status of their research. Award recipients will have an opportunity to work with ARA on an informational statement about the awarded project that may be used to generate visibility for their institutions and ARA.
For More funding Opportunities, Visit Global Funding Opportunities.
1500000 INR
250000 GBP
Research Grant
15000000 INR
Seed and Start Up Grant
900000 INR
Not Specified
Research Grant
3900000 INR
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