Closing Date:

TURTLE Program: Tribal Research Training & Leadership



Funding Type:

Capacity Building


Not Specified


Activity Country:




7 Years

Published Date:

The Tribal Undergraduate to Graduate Research Training and Leadership Experiences (TURTLE) program aims to address American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) health disparities by funding eligible Tribal Entities to develop and implement research training programs. The program focuses on identifying and developing a pool of scientists to conduct research on AI/AN health.

The TURTLE program will provide support for a phased award to eligible Tribal Entities to develop (UE5) and implement (T32) effective training and mentoring activities for research-oriented individuals earning a doctoral degree in a biomedical research field.

Scope of Work

The TURTLE program will support the research training of undergraduates (T34) and predoctoral students (T32) at degree-granting institutions across the United States and Territories through training grants administered by eligible Tribal Entities.

The program will fund a development phase (UE5) to hire personnel and develop educational activities and training grant program and administrative infrastructure, followed by a National Research Service Award (NRSA) predoctoral research training program phase (T32) to support trainees interested in AI/AN health research.


The applicant organization must be one of the following: a federally recognized AI/AN Tribe, a Tribal college or university, a Tribal health program, a Tribal organization, or a consortium of two or more of these Tribal Entities.

The sponsoring institution must assure support for the proposed program, including adequate staff, facilities, and educational resources. Individuals from diverse backgrounds, including individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, and women are encouraged to apply.

Key Dates

  • Posted Date: September 03, 2024

  • Open Date (Earliest Submission Date): December 27, 2024

  • Expiration Date: January 26, 2027

For More funding Opportunities, Visit Global Funding Opportunities.

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