Closing Date:
Funding Type:
1200000 GBP-Maximum Award
Activity Country:
2 Years
Published Date:
This funding opportunity, the UKRI cross research council responsive mode pilot scheme: round two outline stage, is open for applications. It aims to support interdisciplinary research ideas that transcend, combine, or significantly span disciplines not routinely funded through existing UKRI responsive mode schemes. The scheme seeks to fund projects with the potential to be transformative for the participating disciplines or lead to the creation of new disciplines. Project leads must be based at a UK research organization eligible for UKRI research council funding.
This pilot scheme is designed to support interdisciplinary ideas emerging from the research community outside current disciplinary boundaries. It will support projects that transcend, combine, or significantly span disciplines, involving different knowledge and methodological spheres. The scheme will power innovative conceptual thinking and research, and novel methodological approaches, to ensure we support a rich and diverse array of blue skies and applied research.
Research grants are open to UK organisations normally eligible for funding from UKRI research councils, including UK higher education providers, research council institutes, UKRI approved independent research organisations (IROs), public sector research establishments (PSREs). The following organisations are not eligible to apply to this scheme: research and technology organisations unless they are listed as eligible non-academic organisations, such as businesses, charities or other third-sector organisations that are not UKRI approved IROs or PSREs. These organisations can contribute as project partners.
The full economic cost (FEC) of your project can be between £200,000 and £1.2 million. UKRI will fund 80% of the FEC amount (with some exceptions). The duration of this award is up to two years. Awards are expected to be offered by January 2026.
The scheme is highly competitive, with nearly 1,000 outline applications submitted in round one. To avoid exceeding assessment capacity, institutional caps have been introduced for round two. Organisations have been given a cap and are asked to prioritize their applications to submit within this allocation limit.
Opening date: 2 September 2024 9:00am UK time
Closing date: 19 November 2024 4:00pm UK time
The second round of the pilot scheme comprises two stages: submission of an outline application and invited submission of a full application.
Full applications will not be accepted from any applicant who has not been invited to make a full application following the outline stage of this funding opportunity.
To apply, select ‘Start application’ near the beginning of this Funding finder page. Confirm you are the project lead. Sign in or create a Funding Service account.
Applications will be assessed by the Interdisciplinary Assessment College (IAC). The IAC members have expertise and experience in interdisciplinary working and are trained specifically for this funding opportunity.
Applications will be grouped into interdisciplinary panels that will work flexibly between rounds. Members of the IAC will be assigned to one panel for each round based on matching their expertise with the applications submitted.
Full details of the assessment processes for both stages of the opportunity are provided in the CRCRM round two: guidance for applicants and research organisations document.
For More funding Opportunities, Visit Global Funding Opportunities.
Seed and Start Up Grant
2500000 USD
Research Grant
270000 GBP
Travel Grant
3000 GBP
5000 GBP
Travel Grant
50000 INR
Research Grant
275000 USD
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