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Closing Date:
Funding Type:
6000000 GBP-Total Fund
Activity Country:
3 Years
Published Date:
This funding opportunity, part of the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Digital Research Infrastructure (DRI) program, aims to support the development of two national hubs for digital Research Technology Professionals (RTP). These hubs will focus on skills development, education, and training for digital professionals working in accelerated and large-scale compute, supporting science across the entire UKRI remit. The funding opportunity is led by EPSRC on behalf of UKRI and is open to UK research organizations eligible for UKRI funding.
The UKRI DRI program aims to establish two national hubs for digital RTPs, addressing the growing need for advanced training and skills development in this field. These hubs will define service models and ways of working for RTPs, enabling them to contribute more broadly to research and receive appropriate recognition. The hubs will focus on developing an understanding of training and education requirements, career pathways, and delivering a training program for upskilling and developing new RTPs. They will also convene a community of good practice, advocate for digital RTP career pathways, and coordinate with other UKRI DRI investments.
Applicants must be based at a UK research organization eligible for UKRI funding. Business and international organizations are not eligible to apply. This funding opportunity specifically welcomes applications led or co-led by RTPs involved in the delivery of digital research infrastructure. International applicants are not eligible for this funding opportunity. Resubmissions of projects previously submitted to UKRI or other funders are not accepted.
The full economic cost (FEC) for an RTP hub can be up to £3.75 million, with UKRI funding 80% of the FEC, including indexation. All awards will have a duration of three years, with projects required to start by 1 April 2025. The funding will cover two RTP hubs, project lead and co-lead costs, estates, indirect costs, administrative support, knowledge exchange, organization of activities and networking, and other eligible costs.
Applicants are encouraged to follow the principles of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers and the Technician Commitment. UKRI is committed to ensuring that effective international collaboration in research and innovation takes place with integrity and within strong ethical frameworks. Applicants may be asked to demonstrate how their proposed projects will comply with UKRI's Trusted Research and Innovation (TR&I) principles.
Stage one (outlines) opening date: 5 September 2024 9:00am
Stage one (outlines) closing date: 12 November 2024 4:00pm
Stage two (full proposals) opening date: 28 November 2024
Stage two (full proposals) closing date: 6 February 2025
Decisions communicated: March 2025
Applications are submitted through the new UKRI Funding Service. The project lead is responsible for completing the application process, but all team members and project partners are expected to contribute. Only the lead research organization can submit an application. The application process involves answering questions directly in text boxes, saving answers, and uploading documents as instructed. Allow sufficient time to check the application in read-only view before sending it to the research office for checking and submission to UKRI.
The selection process involves a two-stage assessment: outline application and full application. Outline applications are assessed by a panel in November 2024, and successful proposals are invited to submit a full application. Full applications are assessed by an expert panel through interviews in February 2025, followed by a funding recommendation. A final decision is expected in March 2025.
For More funding Opportunities, Visit Global Funding Opportunities.
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