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5 Years
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The Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF) has launched the Mission for Advancement in High-impact Areas (MAHA) program to address priority-driven, solution-focused research in mission-mode. The first priority area under MAHA is Electric Vehicle (EV) Mobility, known as EV-Mission. The objective of EV-Mission is to promote research and development of EV adoption in India, fostering an ecosystem that enables self-reliance and global competitiveness. This involves research and development in key EV components such as batteries, motors, controllers, power electronics, and related subsystems, chargers, and grid interface.
The EV Mission aims to develop technology and capability, with industry actively engaged from the inception stage till prototypes/products are developed. The major scope of this Mission is to promote R&D on EV components, research on EV materials, and enable collaborations. The R&D activities will be carried out in cross-cutting research areas centered around joint Academia-R&D-industry consortia. The mission aims to achieve outcomes with TRL 5-7, with functional prototypes of technologies at targeted TRL demonstrated.
Applicants (Lead Principal Investigator (LPI) and Principal Investigator(s) (PI(s))) should be Indian citizens. Foreign nationals (including OCI and NRI) are also eligible to apply provided they fulfil the eligibility criteria notified by ANRF. The applicant(s) must hold a regular academic/research position in a recognized academic institution/national laboratory/ any other recognized R & D institution in India with proven track record in the relevant domain. Private Academic institutions with valid UGC / AICTE / PCI approval, Private R&D Institutions with valid DSIR-SIRO recognition and Voluntary and Non-Governmental Organizations registered under NITI-AAYOG Darpan portal are eligible to host a project. LPI should be having at least 5 years of service remaining at the time of submission of the proposal.
The e-Nodes will be supported in two tracks. In Track I, funds will be allocated for short-term deliverables (for 3 years). Allocation of funds in Track II, in higher TRL (for another 2 years) will be based on the performance of the e-Nodes in terms of short-term deliverables. The support will also be provided for combined tracks. Fundamental research is an integral part of both the tracks. ANRF will provide funding directly to the LPI of the each e-Node who will then disburse funds to the other PIs within the respective e-Node. A maximum of ten postdoctoral fellows per e-Node will be supported.
Participation of relevant industries/PSUs/start-ups is mandatory. The industry partner is expected to provide funding in cash or kind towards the successful execution of the project. At least 10% of the project cost should be supported by the Industry. The research grant is provided under the capital head for equipment including software, license fees and warranty charges, plant cost/fabrication systems/demonstration models; and under general head for research personnel, consumables, travel, contingency and other cost (user charges/outsource work etc.) etc. "Overhead" is also be provided to the implementing institution as per prevailing norms of ANRF.
The Call for applications will be notified through ANRF website "www.anrf.gov.in". and online portal of ANRF "www.anrfonline.in".
LPI and PI(s) should first register into the online website click here to register
After log-in in, applicant(s) are required to fill all the mandatory fields in Profile Detail section
Some of the key elements of the proposal should be defined clearly such as Project Title (max 500 characters), Project summary (max 3000 characters), Keywords (max 6), Objectives of project (max 1500 characters), Target values being set for the Projects, Expected output and outcome of the proposal (max 1500 characters)
Other Technical Details (OTD) of the proposal has to be uploaded in single PDF file.
The selection will be based on the recommendations of Mission Advisory Committee (MAC) constituted by ANRF. If required, the LPI and PIs of e-Nodes maybe called for discussion/ presentation.
For Portal Technical Issue support[at]anrfonline[dot]in 011-26552197, 26552179
The disbursement of funds will be linked to the successful achievement of project milestones. These milestones act as indicators of progress and completion i.e. "Markers of progress and completion", showcasing how the e-Node is contributing to the overall objectives of the EVM.
For More funding Opportunities, Visit Global Funding Opportunities.
1500000 INR
Research Grant
15000000 INR
Seed and Start Up Grant
900000 INR
Research Grant
3900000 INR
1300000 INR
Not Specified