Closing Date:

Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF)



Funding Type:

Research Grant


8000000 INR-Research Grant

Activity Country:




3 Years

Estimated Grants:


Published Date:

The Australia-India Strategic Research Fund (AISRF) is a collaborative initiative between the governments of India and Australia, designed to foster bilateral cooperation in science and technology. Established in 2006, the AISRF supports cutting-edge research projects involving scientists from both countries across strategically important areas. The program aims to strengthen alliances between Indian and Australian researchers and facilitate access to the global S&T system.

The primary objective of the AISRF is to increase the adoption of leading-edge science and technology through collaborative research projects. It also focuses on strengthening strategic partnerships between researchers in India and Australia. This collaboration benefits both nations by enhancing their access to the global S&T landscape.

For Round Sixteen, the Indo-Australian S&T Fund is jointly managed by the Australian Government’s Department of Industry and Resources (DISR) and the Government of India’s Department of Science and Technology (DST). Support is provided for collaborative research projects involving Indian and Australian partners.

Funding Details and Project Timeline

Under Round Sixteen, the maximum support from the Indian side is between Rs 70-80 lakhs. This funding supports collaborative research projects between Indian and Australian partners. It is crucial to note that projects receiving funding from other government grants for the same activities are ineligible.

Projects must be completed by April 2029. Applicants should carefully consider this timeline when planning their research activities. The call for applications for Round Sixteen opens on 05 March 2025 and closes on 11 April 2025.

Priority areas for collaborative research projects in Round Sixteen include:

  • Critical minerals processing technologies and methods

  • Quantum computing and communications

  • Remanufacturing and product end-of-use recovery including electronic waste recycling

All applications must fall within one of these priority areas to be considered.

Eligibility Requirements for Indian Applicants

To be eligible for funding, Indian applicants must seek support for a bilateral collaborative research project within one of the specified priority areas. They must also have the agreement of their proposed Australian research partner to undertake the project activities. The Indian applicant must be one of the following eligible organizations: education institution, UGC recognized Universities/ Deemed Universities, Academic Institutes and National Research & Development Laboratories/Institutes, Public sector research agency; or Private, not for profit, research organization (Recognized by Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Govt. of India organization as S&T organization).

Applicants must address each of the assessment criteria outlined in the guidelines. They must also seek funding for eligible expenses only and ensure they are not seeking funding for activities already funded under another Indian Government program. AISRF grants are not intended to duplicate support available from other Indian Government sources.

If an applicant already receives Indian Government funding for their core activities, they must demonstrate that the activity for which funding is sought is additional to their core activities. Failure to meet these eligibility criteria will result in the application being deemed ineligible.

Eligible Activities and Expenses (Indian Side)

The Indian Government will support the direct costs of bilateral collaborative research projects in the priority areas. Eligible expenses include international economy excursion class return airfares for Indian researchers traveling to Australia. Living expenses, including accommodation and meals, for Australian researchers traveling to India will also be covered, subject to DST norms.

Living expenses for Indian researchers traveling to Australia will be met by the Australian Government, contributing a maximum of AUD$300 per person per day, or AUD$4,000 per person per month, whichever is less. Combined travel and living expenses must not exceed 20% of the approved grant amount. Manpower salaries and on-costs for Indian researchers employed specifically for the project are also eligible, as per DST norms.

Other eligible expenses include equipment (if specific), consumables (up to 2 lakhs per year), contingency, and overhead. Details of cash and in-kind contributions should be disclosed. Costs not eligible for support include capital expenditure, administration and infrastructure costs, Indian project manager’s salary, and costs associated with intellectual property protection.

Assessment Criteria and Submission Details

Applications will be assessed based on specific criteria, including how the project will advance research in priority areas (40%), the ability of the project to maximize the application and commercialization of research outcomes (30%), and the benefits for both Australia and India (30%). Applicants must demonstrate that the intended outcomes cannot be achieved without grant assistance from the AISRF.

The assessment criteria must be addressed in a written proposal of no more than ten (10) A4 pages. The Project title must be identical in both the Australian and Indian applications. The Project Reference No. of the proposal submitted by the Australian PI need to be mentioned in the application form submitted by the Indian PI. Letters of support from partner organizations are required, demonstrating financial support and commitment to the research collaboration.

To submit a proposal to DST, all documents and forms are accessible at Any queries related to the AISRF Round 16 call should be directed to before 06 April 2025. Proposals must be submitted through the e-application system at the same website by 11 April 2025.

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