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Closing Date:
Funding Type:
249000 USD-Grant
Activity Country:
5 Years
Published Date:
The Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) program aims to support a cohort of early-career, independent investigators from diverse backgrounds (for example, individuals from underrepresented groups) conducting research in NIH mission areas. The program has two components: an individual career transition award for postdoctoral scholars (K99/R00) and a research education cooperative agreement (UE5) awarded to organizations to provide these scholars with additional mentoring, networking and professional development activities to support their transition to and success in independent, tenure-track or equivalent research-intensive faculty careers.
The goal of the MOSAIC Postdoctoral Career Transition Award to Promote Diversity (K99/R00) program is to facilitate a timely transition of promising postdoctoral researchers from diverse backgrounds from their mentored postdoctoral research positions to independent, tenure-track or equivalent research-intensive faculty positions. The program is designed to support postdoctoral researchers who have demonstrated meaningful contributions and proposed compelling future plans to promote broad participation in the biomedical research workforce, such as activities that promote inclusive, supportive, and accessible biomedical research environments that support the success of trainees and scientists from all backgrounds, including individuals from underrepresented groups.
All applications submitted to this Notice of Funding Opportunity must propose basic science experimental studies involving humans, otherwise referred to in NOT-OD-18-212 as “prospective basic science studies involving human participants,” that fall within the NIH definition of a clinical trial and also meet the definition of basic research.
Before beginning an application, candidates are strongly encouraged to visit The MOSAIC program website for resources, including recent applicant webinars and answers to frequently asked questions. The Table of IC-Specific Information, Requirements and Staff Contacts is used to learn more about specific IC interests and identify a scientific/research contact with whom to discuss their application.
The K99/R00 award will provide up to 5 years of support in two phases. The initial (K99) phase will support up to 2 years of mentored postdoctoral career development. The second (R00) phase will provide up to 3 years of independent research support, contingent on satisfactory progress during the K99 phase and an approved, independent, tenure-track (or equivalent) faculty position. The two award phases are intended to be continuous in time. Although exceptions may be possible in limited circumstances, R00 awards will generally only be made to those K99 PDs/PIs who accept independent, tenure-track (or equivalent) faculty positions by the end of the K99 award period.
The K99/R00 award is intended to foster the candidate's research independence. Consequently, the application must clearly describe how the Research and career development activities in the K99 phase will help the candidate achieve research independence by the start of the R00 phase. The candidate will separate scientifically from their mentor(s). Mentor(s) will actively support the candidate’s transition to independence – for example, which aspects of the research, resources, and reagents developed in the K99 phase the candidate can take with them to the R00 phase and how they will not compete with the candidate in the research area.
For this announcement, organizations are encouraged to recruit prospective candidates from underrepresented groups nationally. In addition, because underrepresentation can vary from setting to setting, organizations should design a recruitment strategy to foster a diverse candidate pool based on the organization’s local context and national needs. Appropriate to the career stage, candidates should have demonstrated meaningful contributions toward promoting broad participation in the biomedical research workforce (for example, furthering inclusive, supportive, and accessible biomedical research environments), and propose well-developed plans for how those activities will be continued as an independent investigator. Candidates whose statements are weak in this area are not the intended recipients of this award. Organizations should select candidates who, through their activities and individual experiences, can effectively serve as mentors to trainees from increasingly diverse backgrounds pursuing biomedical research careers.
Research Grant
2000000 EUR
38400 USD
Research Grant
500000 USD
Travel Grant
3000 GBP
Research Grant
Not Specified
Research Grant
150000 USD