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Closing Date:
Funding Type:
2000000 USD-Grant
Activity Country:
7 Years
Estimated Grants:
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A Simons Collaboration in MPS should address a mathematical or theoretical topic of fundamental scientific importance, where a significant, new development creates a novel area for exploration or provides a new direction for progress in an established field. The questions addressed by the collaboration may be concrete or conceptual, but there should be little doubt that answering them would constitute a major scientific milestone. The project should have clearly defined initial activities and goals by which progress and success can be measured. The support from the foundation should be seen as critical for the objectives of the project. The project should involve outstanding researchers in a range of career stages. Excellence of the scientific leadership is one of the main criteria in the selection process. The project should be organized and managed in a manner engendering a high level of collaboration.
Each collaboration is led by a collaboration director who is expected to determine the scientific agenda, coordinate the scientific activities of the other members, determine (in collaboration with the other members) the scientific themes, coordinate a collaboration website and organize collaboration meetings and activities as appropriate, including a two-day annual meeting at the foundation. The director will be the foundation’s main point of contact for the activities of the collaboration and will be responsible for monitoring the overall progress of the research effort and deciding on research directions and personnel as the collaboration evolves. PIs are expected to perform research that advances the goals of the collaboration and to collaborate as appropriate with other members of the collaboration. PIs are also expected to assist the director and other PIs in fulfilling the additional collaboration obligations outlined above. Attendance at the annual meeting held at the foundation is expected for each collaboration member. Proposals should specify a core group of PIs. Additional PIs may be added only after an LOI is approved. Interinstitutional and international collaborations are allowed. The foundation strongly encourages the participation of PIs from underrepresented groups.
A Simons Collaboration in MPS is budgeted at up to $2 million per year for an initial period of four years, including indirect costs as outlined in the grant policies. The scientific impact of the collaboration will be evaluated at the year-four annual meeting, and funding for three additional years may be granted. Additional funding beyond year seven will not be considered. The foundation would allow the annual budget to vary from $2 million as long as the total four-year budget is no more than $8 million. Please be cognizant of the notification and award start dates when preparing the budget, particularly in year one with regards to the timeline for the hiring of postdoctoral fellows.
The collaboration director must hold a tenured faculty, or equivalent, position at a U.S. educational institution, on a campus within these countries, with a Ph.D. program in the director’s department at the time of application and for the duration of the award. PIs and co-Investigators (co-Is) must hold a tenured or tenure-track faculty, or equivalent, position at an educational institution at the time of application and for the duration of the award. There are no restrictions on the department and/or discipline of the director or PIs/co-Is. PIs, co-Is and other collaboration participants may be from non-U.S. institutions. A co-I must be employed by or be affiliated with a PI institution or another organization participating in the project under a consortium agreement. Please see the foundation’s grant policies for further information regarding requirements and responsibilities of PIs and co-Is. An individual may be part of more than one letter of intent (LOI) or full proposal, as long as all eligibility requirements are met. There is no LOI limit per institution or individual. An active PI on a currently funded collaboration project can be part of an LOI or proposal but cannot participate on more than one funded collaboration. Additionally, active Math+X Investigators cannot be a funded director or PI in a collaboration.
Funding to U.S. national labs or salary support of scientists employed at these labs is not allowed. Scientists employed at national labs may be nonfunded collaboration members, and collaboration funding may be used to support travel or local expenses related to the participation of the lab-based scientist in collaboration activities or to support travel and local expenses of students or postdoctoral fellows appointed at universities who work with collaboration members at national labs. For-profit institutions are also not eligible to receive grant funds.
The MPS division expects to award up to three new collaborations in 2025.
Collaboration directors must submit an LOI through the Simons Award Manager (SAM) https://sam.simonsfoundation.org/. LOIs are due by October 31, 2024, at 12 p.m. (noon) EDT. Please refer to the How to Apply tab for further instructions. Notification of the status of the LOI will be sent by January 1, 2025. Please note that the volume of interest in this program is such that the foundation is not able to provide guidance on potential proposals. We use the LOI stage to assess suitability and novelty. The foundation recommends submitting an LOI if an applicant believes his/her research meets the criteria outlined in the RFA.
A review of the LOI may lead to a request for a full proposal, which will be due by February 25, 2025, at 12 p.m. (noon) EST. After review of the full proposals, project teams may be invited to come to the foundation to present their research plan.
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250000 GBP
Network Grant
47000000 USD
Travel Grant
3000 GBP
Research Grant
Not Specified
Research Grant
150000 USD
Research Grant
Not Specified