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Closing Date:
Funding Type:
315000 USD-Per Year
Activity Country:
5 Years
Estimated Grants:
Published Date:
The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity announcement (NOFO) issued by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) is to announce the re-competition of the Women’s Reproductive Health Research (WRHR) Career Development Program. This nationwide group of mentored institutional career development programs trains junior faculty who have recently completed postgraduate clinical training in obstetrics and gynaecology and are committed to an independent research career in women's reproductive health. The goal of this program is to continue to build the national capacity of outstanding junior clinician-investigators who will strengthen the field of obstetrics and gynaecology and contribute to improving women’s health.
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) allows the appointment of [Scholars (K12)] proposing to serve as the lead investigator of an independent clinical trial, proposing a separate ancillary clinical trial, or proposing to gain research experience in a clinical trial led by another investigator, as part of their research and career development.
The research scope for this program encompasses all areas of OB/GYN and its related subspecialties: maternal-fetal medicine, gynecologic oncology, reproductive endocrinology and infertility, female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery, and related fields such as adolescent gynaecology, family planning, and the reproductive health of women with disabilities. Projects may include basic science, translational, or clinical research but must be within the biomedical and biobehavioral purview of the NIH. Research with a primary focus on health care delivery, health care services, or health policy is outside the scope of this NOFO. Programs focused on somatic health, such as the breast, cardiovascular or musculoskeletal systems, should similarly not be proposed.
Senior investigators with established research programs covering a broad range of basic and applied biomedical and biobehavioral science related to obstetrics and gynaecology form the intellectual and technical base for mentoring junior faculty accepted into the program. Although mentors from collaborating departments outside of OB/GYN may provide needed expertise and resources, the emphasis of the WRHR Scholars' scientific projects should be on research ultimately relevant to obstetrics and gynaecology and/or its subspecialties.
Grant: A financial assistance mechanism providing money, property, or both to an eligible entity to carry out an approved project or activity.
Optional: Accepting applications that propose or do not propose clinical trial(s).
NICHD and partner components intend to commit $4,800,000 in FY 2025 to fund 14-17 awards.
Applicants may request direct cost budgets of up to $315,000 per year.
The maximum project period is 5 years.
Individuals designing, directing, and implementing the career development program may request salary and fringe benefits appropriate for the person months devoted to the program. Salaries requested may not exceed the levels commensurate with the institution's policy for similar positions and may not exceed the congressionally mandated cap. If mentoring interactions and other activities with scholars are considered a regular part of an individual's academic duties, then mentoring and other interactions with scholars are non-reimbursable from grant funds. Salary support for program administration and management individuals must be substantially justified. Salary support for ancillary personnel (e.g. administrative assistance or secretarial support) on CDAs is not allowable.
Scholars are those individuals who benefit from the proposed activities and experiences involved in the career development program. Scholar costs must be justified as specifically required for the proposed career development program and based on institutional policies for salaries paid to individuals in similar positions, regardless of the source of funds. These expenses must be itemized in the proposed budget.
The program will support Scholars for periods of a minimum of two and a maximum of five years consisting of consecutive 12-month appointments. The program is designed to support an average of two scholars per year. The NICHD will provide up to $125,000 in direct costs per year for each scholar. This amount includes salary, fringe benefits, and research and career development expenses, as itemized below.
Each Scholar's award may include up to $100,000 for salary and fringe benefits. Salaries can be adjusted according to grantee institutional policy to be consistent with the institution's salary scale for equivalent positions. The total salary requested must be based on a full-time, 12-month staff appointment and requires Scholars to devote a minimum of 9 person-months (equivalent to 75 per cent) of full-time professional effort toward health-related research and career development activities, with the remaining effort being devoted to activities related to the development of a productive research career.
Scholars who are U.S.-licensed surgeon-scientists with active surgical duties may devote less than the required 9 person-months (75%) of full-time professional effort for the specific purpose of maintaining speciality clinical competency. Such appointments may not involve less than 6 person-months (50%) of full-time professional effort for research and career development activities. Appointments for Scholars involving less than 75% full-time professional effort will be for under three consecutive years. NICHD will adjust the total salary support committed to the K12 award consistent with the adjusted level of effort.
The institution may supplement the NIH salary contribution up to a level consistent with the institution's salary scale; however, supplementation may not be from Federal funds unless specifically authorized by the Federal program from which such funds are derived. Institutional supplementation of salary must not require extra duties or responsibilities that interfere with the program's purpose.
Within each scholar's $125,000 direct cost allowance, up to $25,000 per year may be allocated for research and career development costs. Allowable costs under this category include 1) research expenses such as supplies, equipment and other expenses generated by the Scholar in the laboratories of the established investigators who serve as mentors; 2) partial salary support for technical assistants; 3) travel to receive training or attend scientific meetings where the Scholar will be presenting WRHR-funded work (not to exceed $3,500 annually); 4) tuition, fees, or books; and 5) computer services. These research and development costs must be itemized for each candidate and related to the Scholar's research activities. They cannot be pooled and used for other programs unrelated or indirectly related to the research activities of individual Scholars.
The proposed budget may include consultant costs, equipment, supplies, travel for key persons, and other program-related expenses. These expenses must be justified as specifically required by the proposed program and must not duplicate items generally available at the applicant institution.
Scholars, the PD/PI, and the research director (if applicable) are expected to attend an annual WRHR program meeting. Travel may also be requested for one additional training or yearly scientific meeting for current Scholars. These expenses must be itemized in the proposed budget. Allowable Program costs include:
Minimal costs for advertising and recruitment to attract the best candidates nationally and
Institutional overhead charges do not cover administrative support services that are directly associated with and necessary for the WRHR program. These may include supplies, duplicating equipment, telephones, or maintenance contracts for equipment.
Items that may NOT be supported with K12 funds include:
Patient care costs such as inpatient bed days or outpatient visits, except for clinical laboratory analyses essential for the Scholars' research, and
Facility alterations and renovations.
Up to $65,000 in direct costs may be requested annually for Personnel costs (above) and Other Program-related Expenses (this category).
Salary and fringe benefits may be requested for the Research Director for up to 1.2 person-months of effort. If the PD/PI serves a dual role (i.e., functions as both the PD/PI and the Research Director), up to 1.2 person months may be requested.
A partial salary for a dedicated Recruiting Officer may be requested (maximum 1.2 person months effort). If the Research Director also functions as the recruiting officer, the effort cannot exceed 2.4 person-months for the combined roles.
Salary for a part-time program assistant with responsibilities directly associated with the institutional career development program can be requested and justified if applicable.
All salaries must be commensurate with institutional policy for similar positions.
Items that may NOT be supported with K12 grant funds include:
Salaries and fringe benefits for the PD/PI or program mentors, unless the PD/PI also serves as Research Director (see above);
Direct support of the mentors' laboratories beyond those expenses directly attributable to the Scholar's project;
Salary and support for central institutional administrative personnel (e.g., budget officers, grant assistants, and building maintenance personnel), which are usually paid from institutional overhead charges;
Salary and support for administrative activities such as institutional public relations or health and educational services; and
Travel of the PD/PI, the Research Director, or program mentors to scientific meetings beyond those associated with the administration of the WRHR Program.
Indirect Costs (also known as Facilities & Administrative [F&A] Costs) are reimbursed at 8% of modified total direct costs (exclusive of tuition and fees, consortium costs over $25,000, and expenditures for equipment), rather than based on a negotiated rate agreement.
As described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement, NIH grants policies will apply to the applications submitted and awards made from this NOFO.
250000 GBP
Network Grant
47000000 USD
Travel Grant
3000 GBP
Research Grant
Not Specified
Research Grant
150000 USD
Research Grant
Not Specified