Closing Date:
Funding Type:
1500000 EUR-Grant
Activity Country:
6 Years
Published Date:
The Career Development Fellowship supports early career researchers (post-doctoral level) to establish their own independent research groups focused on cancer research.
Applicants must have the skills and experience outlined in the CRUK Fellowships Competency Framework (establishing independence career stage).
Must have space and facilities to run an independent research group at the host institution.
Cannot have already received funding to set up a research group or hold a core-funded Group Leader position at a CRUK Institute.
Salary must not be fully funded by the host institution.
Career breaks, flexible working arrangements, and changes in discipline will be considered during application review.
What is funded:
Fellow’s salary for up to six years.
Salaries and running expenses for up to two additional research positions (postdoctoral researcher, technician, non-clinical PhD student).
Research expenses.
Equipment costs up to £25,000.
Relocation costs up to £1,000.
Support for attending the EMBO Lab Leadership for Group Leaders course.
Annual salary enhancement of £6,500.
Additional benefits:
Networking and training opportunities.
Flexible working policies.
Accelerated Tier 1 visa processing.
Research Grant
750000000 INR
Research Grant
Not Specified
1500000 INR
Research Grant
15000000 INR
Seed and Start Up Grant
900000 INR
Research Grant
3900000 INR
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