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Closing Date:
Funding Type:
75000 INR-Per Month For German Post Doc in India
2 Years
Published Date:
The 'Project-based Personnel Exchange Programme' (PPP) is a bilateral research promotion programme resulting from a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) concluded in 1998 between the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Department of Science and Technology (DST).
Germany: DAAD, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
India: Government of India through the Department of Science and Technology (DST).
The programme aims to strengthen collaboration between Indian and German research groups working jointly on specific scientific projects. The focus is on operational mobility, academic training, and specialization of young researchers. Applications should include concrete objectives and academic credentials of supported researchers. Research collaborations aiming to initiate major projects for submission to other funding organizations are preferred.
University professors
Post-doctoral researchers
Doctoral students
Who can apply: University professors, scientists/researchers from German and Indian universities, and those in permanent positions at research institutes/laboratories.
Disciplines: Agricultural sciences, veterinary medicine, forestry, engineering, earth sciences, mathematics, theoretical computer science, informatics, medicine, life sciences, health sciences, animal sciences, nutritional medicine, physics, material sciences, and chemistry.
A high-quality, concrete scientific research project proposal involving joint and complementary work by academics from both countries.
Basic project funding (personnel and material costs) must be secured by own funds or third-party funding.
Each research group should consist of a project leader and up to two doctoral students or post-doctoral researchers, with a total of three participants from each side.
Parallel applications must be submitted by Indian and German partners to DST and DAAD, respectively, using respective application formats.
Maximum period: Two years.
Continuity must be ensured if the applicant leaves the institution before project completion.
Project funds from June 2025 onwards are subject to budget allocation by DAAD and DST.
Eligible: Exchange visits for project-related collaboration, with expenses for mobility and hospitality covered.
Scientists: Max. 30 days per visit per year.
Doctoral students: Max. 50 days per visit per year.
Total of 4 visits by each side (German and Indian) during the project duration, with balanced and reciprocal visits.
Not funded: Projects already funded through other modes, pure skill enhancement projects, bilateral collaborations forming part of multilateral collaborations, language courses, individual scholarships, project-related ancillary expenses, basic facilities setup, pure seminar events, and conference participation.
Quality of the project (clarity of goals and methodology).
Scientific significance and relevance (topicality and innovation).
Feasibility (funding arrangement, preparatory work, reciprocal visits planning).
Competency of research groups.
Complementarities in objectives (methodology, content, instruments).
Participation of young scientists.
Knowledge transfer, scientific/industrial usability, and additional benefits through cooperation.
Only complete applications submitted by both partners to DST and DAAD by the deadline will be considered.
Indian applicants should use DST forms; German applicants should use DAAD forms.
Incomplete applications will be rejected, and late submissions will not be entertained.
For German Project Participants (DAAD):
University professors and Scientists with PhD:
Travel to India: 1,750 €
Doctoral students:
Travel to India: 1,425 €
For Indian Project Participants in Germany (DAAD):
University professors and Scientists with PhD:
1-22 days: 96 € per day
23 days-1 month: 2,150 € lump sum
Doctoral students:
1-20 days: 59 € per day
21 days-1 month: 1,300 € lump sum
31-50 days: 43 € per day
For German Project Participants in India (DST):
Scientists with PhD and University professors:
1-14 days: Rs 4000/- per day
15-30 days: Rs 3000/- per day
Accommodation: Institutional guest house/hotel.
Doctoral/Post-doctoral students:
Rs. 75,000 per month, including per diem and accommodation.
Funding Start Date: June 2025
Germany: Apply online via the DAAD Portal. Visit DAAD website for further information and access to the portal.
India: Apply through the EPMS portal of DST at https://onlinedst.gov.in. Email or hard copies are not accepted.
Contact Person: Heike Gabler
Address: P33 – Projektförderung deutsche Sprache und Forschungsmobilität (PPP), Kennedyallee 50, 53175 Bonn
Tel: 0228 / 882-375
Fax: 0228 / 882-9375
Email: gabler@daad.de
Website: DAAD PPP
DST India:
Contact Person: Dr. Rajiv Kumar
Position: Scientist-F, International Cooperation Division
Address: Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New-Delhi-110 016
Email: rajivarc@nic.in
1500000 INR
Research Grant
15000000 INR
Seed and Start Up Grant
900000 INR
Not Specified
Research Grant
3900000 INR
1300000 INR