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Event Type:Workshop

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DER NIVE Workshop on iPSCs and CRISPR-based Genome Editing India

Registration Fee:

5000 INR-Students

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Skill Development Centre, School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad




Published Date:

About the Workshop

Join us for an intensive 6-day workshop that combines theory and hands-on lab sessions to explore the latest CRISPR knockout/knock in strategies in induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). This workshop is designed to equip you with essential genome-editing skills, from guide RNA (gRNA) design to clone screening and, optionally, neuronal differentiation.

Topics to be Covered

Basics of CRISPR-Cas9 Mechanism & iPSC Biology, Introduction to gRNA Design for Knockouts/Knock ins, Workflow for Generating Edited iPSC Lines and Editing Efficiency Analysis, NGN2-driven Neuronal Differentiation.

Target Participants

PhD students / Faculty / Scientists, Industry Professionals in any branch of Life Sciences. Number of Participants: 30.

Application Procedure

Submit CV and statement of purpose (SOP) to: on or before 25th February 2025.

Course Fee

Students: Rs. 5,000/-; Faculty: Rs. 10,000/-; Industry Personnel: Rs. 15,000/- (Boarding/Lodging and food charges extra; Shared hostel accommodation will be provided based on availability in the University Hostel Guesthouse).


Classroom and hands-on laboratory sessions.

Resource Faculty/Experts

Dr. Narasimha Swamy Telugu (Max Delbruck Centre, Germany), Dr. Prasad Tammineni (Department of Animal Biology, UoH, India).

Contact Information

For further details, contact Dr. Suresh Yenugu, Skill Development Centre Co-ordinator, Email:

Supported by

Department of Health Research, UOH-DBT BUILDER GRANT: BT/INF/22/SP41176/2020, Department BioTechnology, Government of India.



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