Registration Closing:
Event Type:Workshop
Registration Fee:
5000 INR-Students
Event Mode:
Skill Development Centre, School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad
Published Date:
Join us for an intensive 6-day workshop that combines theory and hands-on lab sessions to explore the latest CRISPR knockout/knock in strategies in induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). This workshop is designed to equip you with essential genome-editing skills, from guide RNA (gRNA) design to clone screening and, optionally, neuronal differentiation.
Basics of CRISPR-Cas9 Mechanism & iPSC Biology, Introduction to gRNA Design for Knockouts/Knock ins, Workflow for Generating Edited iPSC Lines and Editing Efficiency Analysis, NGN2-driven Neuronal Differentiation.
PhD students / Faculty / Scientists, Industry Professionals in any branch of Life Sciences. Number of Participants: 30.
Submit CV and statement of purpose (SOP) to: on or before 25th February 2025.
Students: Rs. 5,000/-; Faculty: Rs. 10,000/-; Industry Personnel: Rs. 15,000/- (Boarding/Lodging and food charges extra; Shared hostel accommodation will be provided based on availability in the University Hostel Guesthouse).
Classroom and hands-on laboratory sessions.
Dr. Narasimha Swamy Telugu (Max Delbruck Centre, Germany), Dr. Prasad Tammineni (Department of Animal Biology, UoH, India).
For further details, contact Dr. Suresh Yenugu, Skill Development Centre Co-ordinator, Email:
Department of Health Research, UOH-DBT BUILDER GRANT: BT/INF/22/SP41176/2020, Department BioTechnology, Government of India.
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